FotoZon Saturday February 8, 2025

Contribute to Picture of the Day

Calling all Photographers - Contribute Here!

We have recently launched a Picture of the Day project where we are selecting one picture per day to display around the web. You can get your work represented on multiple web sites with one submission here to FotoZon. Please make sure that your work is presentable and may be interesting to others. Crude or obscene photos will not be accepted. Follow the normal quality guidelines including any cropping and editing work ahead of time before submitting the work. It must be of a minimum size of 640 pixels in the largest dimension. Ideally the digital file will be of 300 dpi and approximately 100~120k in size. If you wish to submit a full size original, that is fine too. Files submitted directly to FotoZon will be resized down to fit on the screen and conserve bandwidth. Once you submit your digital image, it will be copied and resized to show on our web site and through the picture of the day system. You have the option to provide your own web site as a link when viewers want to click on the picture for more information and keep the full size version on your own site, or you can simply display the photo on your user page at FotoZon.

Guide Lines

You can submit up to three pictures at any one time and remove them from consideration at any time. If a picture is selected or you remove one, you can submit a new picture for consideration. Once your photo is selected, we will let you know and ask that you please do not remove the image or substantially change the title or description after it is selected. Please make sure to choose a descriptive and unique title as well as providing an in-depth description of the picture. If you want to display the photo on the FotoZon web site, it must be marked "public", or at least no password required in order for viewers to click on the link to see the image in full size. If you are providing a link to your own website, please make sure the page is operational and contains the image you are submitting. As well, the title tag of the page should include the title of the image you are posting.

You must be full and exclusive owner of the image you are posting. Please submit your own work only. Copied work and work used without the permission of the owner will not be accepted and in certain cases FotoZon reserves the right to cancel your account and notify the owner of the copied image.

How to Contribute

If you have never registered as a FotoZon member, you can submit your entry for the picture of the day using our one step contribution form. Once you have submitted the first image, you also have the option to login using a member id and upload more pictures if you wish.

It appears you are a new guest. Please use the one step contribution form to submit an entry for the Picture of the day.

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