FotoZon Thursday April 25, 2024

Contribute to the Picture of the Day

Thank you for your interest. This form is for those without a FotoZon account who wish to contribute to the Picture of the Day. In one step you will upload your photograph and create a member account at FotoZon. If you have never signed up for FotoZon before and wish to submit a photograph for the Picture of the Day, please use this form. If you have already signed up previously and want to submit another photo, please sign in here.

*  Required Fields    **  One of these is required

* FotoZon ID
* Name
* Email
** Upload Photo
Upload image from your hard drive.
** Photo URL
Provide the exact http path to the image on an already existing web site.
Provide a link on your web site for the picture of the day to link to. This link should contain the picture submitted, preferrably on the top or near the top of the page. If left blank, or not a sutiable link, the full sized picture will be displayed on the web site. Please note you can also provide links in the description section too.
Provide a title for the image here. This will also be used as the text for the link. If left blank, the name of the file will be used. You can also change this later by logging in with your new id.

0/1000 Guidelines
(Chinese Title)

(Chinese Description)

0/1000 Guidelines
* Terms I agree to the Foto Zon Terms and Conditions and I certify that I am the owner of the submitted photo.

Your name and email are held strinctly confidential and will not be shared with any third parties whatsoever. They will only be used to communicate with you regarding your FotoZon Account.

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